Thursday, January 15, 2009

I hate you... I hate you... I hate you

Kids now a days love to say these 3 words. Hate is such a strong word and yet the present generation seems to use it pretty lightly all the time. 
"I hate you", 
"I hate brocolli", 
"I hate rap", 
"I hate school", 
"I hate soccer",
"I hate writing",
"I hate homework",
I hate this etc....
You know what I mean? How did this word become so popular. 
When did it replace the polite "I don't like it as much as you do" or 
"I don't really care for rap" or 
"I don't enjoy writing that much" or 
"I'm not really enthusiatic about school or homework".
I don't remember saying it so many times at the drop of a hat, when I came across something in my life that made my blood boil is when I used it, like when the PTC (public transportation) bus driver refuses to give way to an ambulance on an emergency trip or when a politician makes promises as part of his campaign for office that he himself knows he is not capable of keeping or when neighbors refuse to see each others point of view and fight over trivial issues.
Who will change this course for  our children. We have to make a consicous effort to steer clear of the negativism and sarcasm in their conversation. I believe that a more positive and straightforward speech will go a long way in nurturing long term relationships among the youth and of course it will be a much welcomed treat for the parents.  
Say,Am I dreaming for much??.

Posted by my Better Half.